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Sculptra Aesthetic – Corpus Christi Collagen

Is your face losing volume while gaining wrinkles? This unfortunate process can be reversed with the help of Sculptra Aesthetic, an injectable collagen growth stimulator. Why does your face need more collagen protein?

Part of what gives structure and shape to the face is collagen protein in the underlying skin tissue. This protein makes the skin firm and elastic; it’s one reason why skin looks youthful. Sculptra Aesthetic causes the body to create more collagen protein over time, restoring lost smoothness, firmness, and volume while reducing wrinkles.

Sculptra Aesthetic may be just the aesthetic solution you’ve been looking for. Find out by making an appointment for a consultation with our office! Well-respected, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Hervè Gentile will be happy to evaluate your skin and recommend the right injectable for the job.