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Saddle Nose – Corpus Christi Rhinoplasty

You’ve considered getting rhinoplasty surgery to correct saddle nose, but you’re unsure of what actually goes into the procedure. To put any fears to rest, it’s best to do research into the subject. You’ll see that the benefits far outweigh the potential risks inherent in the surgery.

Correcting saddle nose typically means strengthening the nose’s underlying structures. A variety of grafts can be used to add support to several areas, including the middle vault (the middle part of the bridge of the nose). This leads to a nasal bridge that is level instead of scooped inwards. The columella – the external area between the nostrils – sometimes also needs support, as do the nostrils themselves.

Rhinoplasty may be exactly the procedure needed to remedy your saddle nose malformation. Dr. Hervè Gentile, a board-certified plastic surgeon, is available to help you attain your perfect nose. Arrange a consultation with Dr. Gentile today by contacting our office.