Scarless Breast Reduction – Corpus Christi Liposuction

Scarless Breast Reduction

If you’re worried about potential scarring during breast reduction, a scarless breast reduction may be the right technique for you. Though there is a scar involved, it is quite small and blends well into the area where it is created.

During scarless breast reduction, a tiny cut is created at the breast fold. Another option, called the axillary incision, is under the armpit. Using one of these cuts as a method of access, the plastic surgeon then suctions out fatty tissue with liposuction. This reduces the weight and volume of the breasts.

Consult with skilled, board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Hervè Gentile to find out whether scarless breast reduction is an option for you. Set up an appointment with Dr. Gentile by contacting our office.

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