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My Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation Experience

I had met Dr. Gentile about 6 years ago for my sclerotherapy treatments. At that time I was overwhelmed with concern about how bad my legs looked with all my spider veins and I knew Dr. Gentile offered treatments for that so I saw him a few times for that. I then became interested in a another procedure called the Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation, but before I carry on about what I really want to share with you about that, I want to quickly explain to those who don’t know what sclerotherapy is.


Sclerotherapy is when the doctor carefully injects a saline like solution with a teeny tiny needle directly into the vein. The sclerotherapy solution causes the vein to scar and collapse, forcing blood to reroute through healthier veins. The collapsed vein is then reabsorbed into tissue and eventually fades. This might sound unbelievable, but as I watched him injecting each vein, I could literally see the vein disappearing as the solution flows through the vein. It was magic! So now you know what that is, it sounds kinda crazy but it’s genius, safe and let me tell you, It’s amazing! I am now able to wear shorts and swim suits without feeling embarrassed by the horrid marks that come with age.

So during a couple of visits with him I inquired about other procedures he offers and he asked what I was interested in, I told him beautiful breasts! Dr. Gentile explained to me the many options available such as a breast lift which wasn’t to my interest because I didn’t just have sagging breasts, I had small sagging breasts, so I knew I was more interested in an augmentation such as an implant of some sort. I have always been extremely self conscious when it came to my chest size and worst of all, with age, they began to sag. I felt like I shared the same resemblance of a mother gorilla! It was time to feel good about myself. Why did I even wait this long!? The real question was which type of implant will work best for me and my expectations? I didn’t know very much about the different types of implants available, but Dr. Gentile was very knowledgeable and at the same time he was helpful with the medical terminology translations so I could really understand details of each procedure that would work for me including my well being.

The FDA approved three types of implants, Saline, Silicone and Cohesive Gel/Form Stable also known as Gummy Bear Implants. Who knew there were so many options, sheesh! All of a sudden I had a sweet tooth! hahaha! In all seriousness I knew I wanted something that was safe and would not cause any danger to my health. I also wanted to make sure it was going to be as natural as it could possibly look.

Let’s go over the differences and explain which I chose and why, hopefully this can help you as well.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are made with a rubberized silicone shell, which is then filled with saline after its inserted. This is a good choice when you think about being able to have it inserted through a tiny incision in your fold or through the areola or arm pit, which are virtually unnoticeable when we talk about scarring. In the case that they may rupture or fail, the leakage of saline simply absorbs back into your body which is 70% saline or salt water anyway so there’s no serious harm. The only concern at that point would be to remove the deflated shell and replace with another. They do come in shapes and sizes that make it more subtle and extremely natural but they also have sizes that are larger for people that lack volume, like me! My only concern with Saline implants was that they didn’t exactly feel like real breasts did and if I went as big as I was planning to, I was concerned about the rippling effect, since I have such thin skin and small breasts.

Silicone Implants

Silicone Implants feel a lot more natural than Saline Implants. Silicone looks absolutely beautiful also with a plethora of shapes and sizes and great movement and feel. For the most part they are reliable, but I really worry about the risks and possible complications that come along with it, if there ever happens to be a tear or leak in my breast. Silicone consists of a mixture of ingredients that derive from organic molecules, sand and rocks. It’s not the texture of sand and rock but scientists developed a way to use these in its purest form which make it completely clear and give it its movability. It doesn’t sound comforting for me, because I am just so paranoid that my health would be compromised. This does require a larger incision and has a higher rupture rate then Saline. Since there are higher risks with Silicone, a lifetime of MRI follow ups are required.

Cohesive Gel Implants (Gummy Bear Implants)

The Cohesive Gel Implants were given the name Gummy Bear Implants, because if you were to cut either the gummy bear or cohesive gel implant, they both keep semi-solid forms. This has become the most popular choice among patients. This consistency is great for people like me who have thin skin and small breasts because they fill the breast beautifully and naturally giving them a natural, contoured shape with very natural movement. If you are trying to envision what they look like, imagine that they are bottom heavy, giving the breast that fullness beneath the nipple, which I think is the most sexiest part of the breast that I obviously lack, so this was super appealing! The Gummy Bear implant does not give you that hideous rippling that you see with the others. They also come in many sizes depending on what you would like to achieve.

I personally want to go from a size 34A to a 34C. The semi-solidity also comforts me because I don’t have to worry about leaks, punctures or deflation what so ever. The possible complications are so low because of the genius material. Dr. Gentile was able to make the most customizations for me with this type of implant because of its availability in shapes, heights, sizes and projections given how much volume I needed. This implant has been used for more than 10 years and has a great success rate. If I had to give you a con versus the pros, I’d point out just that with this implant the incision is a bit larger. Doctors have to carefully work this implant either below, above or between the chest muscle and as you know, it is a semi-solid form so they have to be careful.


The choice of placement above or beneath the chest muscle completely depends on each individual. Since I have thin, small breast, I had it placed beneath the chest muscle giving me the best natural look, but with the Gummy Bear Implants it doesn’t really matter because either way, they give you a completely natural appearance realistically. The position Dr. Gentile placed it, also gives radiologists a better view when doing a routine mammogram to check for any abnormalities. Placement under the muscle is a very popular choice because it offers more volume in the upper part of the breast as well. It just worked for me all around with my needs, goals and concerns. It was perfect for me!


Recovery downtime varies per person, but Dr. Gentile said that generally the first three days are the toughest and can be eased with pain medications. Swelling and bruising will usually go down after three days as well. The doctor told me some people go back to work after 3 to 4 days. I personally didn’t go back to work that soon because I choose to go to a Spa-Like facility afterwards that took care of me in a serene spa-like home. I was totally resting and took a vacation for a week! I was completely refreshed and renewed. The place I found brought me breakfast, lunch and dinner while I rested in a beautiful room that had such wonderful Auras and Zen like decoration. There’s a nurse who checked on me periodically and checked to see how I was doing. If any issues occurred (thankfully there wasn’t because Dr. Gentile rocks!) she could have called the doctor for me right away. I thought I was going to have to wear a special support bra for a few weeks until everything healed well enough, but with Dr. Gentile’s great techniques, I was able to be braless for the first few days which allowed my implants to settle and heal quickly and naturally. You are also not supposed to do any major stretching or lifting, which I made sure not to do, I was taking it easy for sure!


Although I knew and trusted Dr. Gentile, I still researched his work and learned some more about all of my options. I felt completely comfortable and confident after reading about all of his credentials, experience and high review marks not only from his patients, but from his peers and colleagues. Dr. Gentile is extremely experienced and has been very helpful through this roller coaster of serious decisions. I knew he was the best doctor around and I was not let down. His prices are very fair. It’s a competitive market out there, but I honestly would rather pay a little more for quality work then trying to get a cheap deal by some other doctor that would end up costing me more down the line and possible put me in danger. I just felt safe in Dr. Gentile’s hands. All costs depend on many things including facilities and anesthesiologists, but his fees alone, I felt good about.


It’s now been two years down the road following my yummy gummy bear breast augmentation and I could not be happier! I am so mad I didn’t do this a long time ago, but things happen for a reason and I might have never had the wonderful experience like I did with Dr. Gentile. This was a match meant to be and I am so over the moon about my results! Many, many thanks to Dr. Gentile for such great work, medically and artistically, you are a genius! I will continue to refer my family and friends to you. I look forward to every summer so I can really flaunt my new found confidence!

Love you forever,
Jessica B.